Chunghwa Post holds the meetings every year to discuss the identification of stakeholders, and to achieve effective stakeholder engagement. This year, the stakeholder identification and engagement of this Report followed the GRI standards of Stakeholder Engagement.
Stakeholder Identification
By referring to the stakeholder groups identified in the same trade, the external ESG experts made evaluation of the Company’s existing and potential negative and positive impact on the stakeholders and identified the significance. After reviewing and discussing the identified results with department heads, a total of 8 categories of stakeholders were identified.
Stakeholder Engagement
Chunghwa Post has considerable responsibility to stakeholders. Therefore, there is a need to understand their needs and expectations of us through various means and channels, and their opinions also serve as reference for the formulation of Sustainability development policies and related projects. Therefore, Chunghwa Post not only listens to the stakeholders’ opinions through ordinary business contact but also understands the material topics through the identification meetings with internal and external experts.